Press Release

Competition Promotes Scientific Literacy

(Hong Kong – 13 December 2021) The International Junior Science Olympiad (IJSO) 2022 - Hong Kong Screening Prize-giving cum Flag Presentation Ceremony was successfully held on 18 November 2021. Principal LI Chi Man Jimmy, Chairman of the IJSO - Hong Kong Screening Steering Committee, said in his Opening Speech, “The IJSO aims to encourage the younger generation to develop the spirit of science. We are glad to see that so many science talents have taken up the challenges in the Competition. Through the IJSO, we hope to promote students’ scientific literacy and encourage students to apply scientific knowledge to solve problems in their daily life. We also hope to see more scientific discoveries and inventions so that our quality of life could be enhanced in the future.”

The ceremony was divided into two parts. In the first part, Dr LAM Tat Ho Lander, Chief Curriculum Development Officer of the Gifted Education Section, Curriculum Development Institute, Education Bureau presented the Regional Flag of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region to the IJSO 2021 - Hong Kong Team, comprising the following members: CHEUNG Ka Hin Kyan, CHOI Ho Long, MAI Tai Sheuk, NG Shuk Hei, SUEN Ming To and WONG Chun Lam. The Team is representing Hong Kong in the online-offline hybrid IJSO being held in Dubai, UAE from 12 to 21 December 2021. In the second part, prizes for Individual (First to Third Class Honours) and Team Awards were presented to winners of the IJSO 2022 - Hong Kong Screening.

For more details about the IJSO, please visit their official website:

The IJSO 2021 - Hong Kong Team takes a group photo with Dr LAM Tat Ho Lander, Chief Curriculum Development Officer of the Gifted Education Section, Curriculum Development Institute, Education Bureau (first from the left) and members of the IJSO - Hong Kong Screening Steering Committee during the ceremony.

Prize presenter Mr Kennedy LAI, Head (Talent Development) of the HKAGE (first from the right).

Prize presenter Mr Derek NG, Programme Manager (Enrichment and Diverse Learning) of the Talent Development Division, the HKAGE (first from the right).

Principal LI Chi Man Jimmy, Chairman of the IJSO - Hong Kong Screening Steering Committee, delivers the Opening Speech (photo at the left).
Dr CHEUNG Yu San, Senior Lecturer, Department of Chemistry, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, delivers the Inspiring Speech (photo at the right).

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Update Date:2023-08-24