Press Release

SciTech Challenge 2019

(Hong Kong – 22 Oct 2019) The SciTech Challenge 2019 has been successfully launched by the Hong Kong Science and Technology Park.

SciTech Challenge 2019 is focusing on the topic Sports Tech. Whether your project is an Application, smart device/ equipment, wearables, daily monitoring, or data platform. The underlying spirit of this competition is making use of Sports Tech to increase safety and fairness in the competitive sport and improve athletic performance.

Our Student members won again. Congratulations to the following participants.

Champion & Best Presentation Award: Jumpstart

Issac Gai, Bridget Chan and Choi Ching Lam

1st Runner up: kidsport321

The twin sisters -  Adeline Lee Pui Wing and Beatrice Lee Pui Yan

2nd Runner up: Sportalyze

Mok Tin Yan, Song Yi Ding

Learn more:

SciTech Challenge, first organised in 2017, is an open pitching competition with a technology element each year, giving innovators an opportunity to pitch their products to potential users and industries. We encourage projects from ideas to development, development to prototyping, and onto production!

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Update Date:2023-08-10