Press Release

Science Education Talk Launched to Give Secondary School Teachers and Students a Taste of Emerging Technologies

(Hong Kong – 12 Jul 2019) To keep our next generation abreast of the upcoming opportunities and challenges in the new industrial revolution where the emerging technologies have a revolutionary impact on our way of living, The Hong Kong Academy for Gifted Education (HKAGE) and The Hong Kong Young Academy of Sciences (YASHK) will co-organise a series of talks and workshops collectively titled Emerging Technologies - Science, Opportunities and Challenges (Talks Series) for secondary school teachers and students. The first talk themed Nature's Red Pencil: Writing and Rewriting Genomes (Kickoff Talk), with the support of the Education Bureau, was held today to kick start this Talk Series.

By delivering the opening remarks, Professor TSUI Lap Chee, GBM, GBS, JP, President of the Hong Kong Academy of Sciences, endorsed this Talk Series, ‘HK has been identified as the centre of science and technology innovation in the Greater Bay Area. While everyone is trying to find a niche in the so-called new industrial revolution, we need to elevate the science and technology research excellence as well as the science and technology literacy of the general population.’ He encouraged the young audience, ‘I am happy to see students taking strong interests in science and mathematics, not just STEM activities. You must properly acquire the basic scientific knowledge and skills, and, become experts in specialty areas, so that you can make contribution to your society in meaningful ways. The society needs you.’

This Kickoff Talk was the first education event of YASHK, setting a milestone for YASHK in serving the Hong Kong education sector. Dr Vic LAW, President of YASHK, said, ‘As researchers and educators, it is our duty to pass on our knowledge of and passion for sciences to our next generation. We would like to help our younger generation to understand the scientific principles behind some emerging technologies and to prepare them for the opportunities and challenges to come. We are also very happy that many high school teachers participated in today’s event. They play a crucial role in nurturing our young people and we want to provide support to them by keeping them informed of the latest developments in science and technology.’

In addition, this Kickoff Talk also marked as the grand finale of HKAGE’s 10th Anniversary event series. Professor NG Tai Kai, Executive Director of HKAGE, shared his vision for the next 10 years with the participants, ‘In the new era where science, technology and information are undergoing a revolutionary growth, the new generation is facing unprecedented challenges and opportunities. It is HKAGE’s bounden duty in the next decade to provide our student members with the cutting-edge knowledge and inspiration that would help them seize their dreams.’

The controversial genome editing technology, which has recently experienced huge breakthroughs, was staged the launching talk for the Science Education Talk Series. The talk featured three young scientists as the keynote speakers, namely Dr GAO Bo, Assistant Professor of School of Biomedical Sciences of The University of Hong Kong, Dr Alan WONG, Assistant Professor of School of Biomedical Sciences and Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering of The University of Hong Kong, and Dr Angela WU, Assistant Professor of Division of Life Science and the Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering of The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.

Following this Kickoff Talk, the Science Education Talk Series will bring forth to secondary school teachers and students numerous interesting topics, including quantum engineering, AI and renewable energy. Teachers and students are welcome to browse HKAGE’s website at or YASHK’s website at for more information.

The Hong Kong Young Academy of Sciences was established in 2018, as a chapter of The Hong Kong Academy of Sciences (ASHK). The YASHK is formed by a vibrant group of aspiring young scientists, working as Faculty members at various tertiary institutes in Hong Kong, and dedicated to serving the community. One of the primary goals of the Young Academy is to enhance the research and education environment for science and technology in the Hong Kong community via outreach activities.

The Hong Kong Academy for Gifted Education, a subvented non-governmental organisation, was established in 2008. It aims at serving the education sector in Hong Kong, offering the latest information, support and appropriate learning opportunities to gifted students, their parents, teachers and other stakeholders engaged in gifted education. Most of its programmes are provided free-of-charge.

For media enquiries, please contact Ms Virginia Siu, Communications Manager of HKAGE (Phone: 3940 0114 / Email: [email protected]).


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#1. Prof TSUI Lap Chee, President of The Hong Kong Academy of Sciences, presents opening remarks

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#2. Prof NG Tai Kai, Executive Director of The Hong Kong Academy for Gifted Education welcomes the audience members.

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Prof Vic LAW, President of The Hong Kong Young Academy of Sciences, delivers welcome speech

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#4. Group photo of all speakers with audience members of about 300 teachers and students

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#5. Prof Vic LAW (left) presents appreciation souvenirs to the three keynote speakers: (from right) Dr Alan WONG of The University of Hong Kong, Dr GAO Bo of The University of Hong Kong, Dr Angela WU of The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Update Date:2023-07-10