Press Release

Annual Hotung Lecture 2018 Enlightens on the 21st Century Skills for Students

(Hong Kong – 7 Dec 2018) Annual Hotung Lecture 2018 (the Lecture), organised by the Hong Kong Academy for Gifted Education (HKAGE), concluded successfully today with an encouraging response of about 200 educators, professionals, parents and general public participating in the Lecture.

The Lecture, themed “’21st Century Skills’ and the Gifted Education”, was kicked off by officiating guest Mrs YEUNG HO Poi Yan, Ingrid, Permanent Secretary for Education. In her opening speech, Mrs YEUNG encouraged participants to keep abreast of the latest trend by recognising the importance of the new skill set for students.

In the era of information revolution, extremely rapid changes in our knowledge and life have outpaced traditional skills such as reading, writing and arithmetic. The Lecture's keynote speaker Dr Rachel ZORMAN, a distinguished scholar who has intensive experience in running numerous gifted education programmes with Israeli Ministry of Education, brought forth her insight into the essential 21st century skills commonly referred as the 4C: critical thinking, communication, collaboration and creativity.

The Annual Hotung Lecture is one of the signature events of HKAGE. The Lecture invites world-class scholars as its keynote speakers every year to share their views from the leading edge. It also provides a valuable platform to harness the power of the education industry, parents and all stakeholders to support the potential and leadership development of highly able students, the budding pillars of society.


#1. Mrs YEUNG HO Poi Yan, Ingrid, Permanent Secretary    for    Education,    delivers    opening speech to guests.

#2. Professor TK NG, Executive Director of HKAGE, delivers welcome remarks.

#3. Dr Rachel ZORMAN shares her insight into the 21st century skills.

#4. The Annual Hotung Lecture 2018 has attracted about 200 participants.
#5. Group photo of honourable guests.

#6. Mr Fred LAM, Chairman of Board of Directors of HKAGE, presents souvenir to Dr Rachel ZORMAN.

Update Date:2023-07-10