Press Release

HKAGE 10th Anniversary Open Day Raises Public Awareness on Gifted Education

(Hong Kong – 22 July 2018) The Hong Kong Academy for Gifted Education (HKAGE), in celebration of its 10th anniversary, is organising a series of events, collectively titled ‘Going Beyond Giftedness’. The Open Day, one of the signature events, was successfully held on 22 July (this Sunday) at our institution.

Today, HKAGE is really pleased to invite the Taoist Ching Chung Primary School (Shan King) to start our event with beautiful songs. The kick-off ceremony was launched by the officiating guests with colourful ribbons in hands, to draw down the flags representing different divisions from the above, which symbolised that all divisions will work together for the next decade. HKAGE is honoured to  invite Dr Choi Yuk-lin, JP, Under Secretary for Education, EDB to attend and congratulate us on our 10th Anniversary. In addition, HKAGE also invited the renowned Hong Kong cyclist Ms Wong Wan-yiu, Jamie, to share her road to success and encourage our gifted students fighting against all odds and embracing challenges waiting for them to unleash their full potential. The attendees are touched and inspired by Jamie’s heart-warming story.

The kick-off ceremony was followed by a series of content-rich programmes, including ‘Seminars’, with the theme of gifted education, ‘Chit-Chat with Professionals’ , with professional colleagues sharing their insights on gifted education, ‘Interactive Booths’ (’Think Like a Scientist’ games, Fingerprint Authentication and Identification, etc.), ‘Instant Photo Taking for Badge Making’ , ‘Face Painting’, ’Mini Theatre’ (playing the highlights of various programmes and activities of the Academy), ’ Happy Moments’ (the happy memories of student members and their parents while participating in the Academy’s activities ). There is also a free consultation session on affective education, providing a 15-minute consultation service for those in need. Through this open-day event, which is both informative and fun-filled, the guests have deepened their understanding on HKAGE’s programmes and services and learned more about Hong Kong's gifted education.

Appendix 1) Rundown

 (1) Concurrent Sessions for Seminars Topic
 10:00 ~ 11:00
Opening Ceremony cum Celebrity Sharing (renowned Hong Kong cyclist, Ms. Wong Wan-yiu, Jamie)


Room 201 – 02

 11:15 ~ 12:00
Shelf Life of Gift
 13:15 ~ 14:00
Identifying and Nurturing the Gifted
 14:15 ~ 15:00
How Does Gifted Student Learn in Lesson?
 15:15 ~ 16:00
 Affective Education for Gifted Students and their Parents
 16:15 ~ 17:00
STEM Education & The Gifted: HK Perspective
 (2) Chit-Chat with Professionals
 11:00 ~ 12:00
New Nomination Scheme Arrangements

 12:00 ~ 13:00
How to Help My Child to Cope with The Failure?
 14:00 ~ 15:00
Any Advice on Enhancing Positive Parent-child Communication?
 15:00 ~ 16:00

Resources Available in Academic Programme Development Division and How Students can Utilise Them (With Student Sharing)

 11:30 ~ 12:30
Student Public Exam Results and Its Relationship with Their Performance in HKAGE

 G05 室
 12:30 ~ 13:30
Future Direction in Gifted Education
 14:30 ~ 15:30
Parents’ Perspective on Giftedness and Parental Expectation
 15:30 ~ 16:30
Unleashing Potentials of The Gifted through Individualised Provisions with Affective Support
 (3) Exhibition
 11:00 ~ 18:00
 Showcase of HKAGE Major Milestones over the 10 Years, Divisions Programmes & Services Highlights

 G03, G06 - G09

 (4) Interactive Booths Content 
 11:00 ~ 18:00

 Game Booths

 ~ Designed and Managed by Advanced Learning Experiences Division – Think Like a Scientist (Jumping Table Tennis Ball, Battery Motor, Kaleidoscope, Paper Dragonfly, Lava Lamp etc.)

~ Designed and Managed by Academic Programme Development Division (Fingerprint Authentication and Identification, 3D Hologram, Folding and One Straight Cut)

 Room 105

 10:30 ~ 12:30/

 14:00 ~ 16:30

 Non-Game Booths

 ~ Free Individual Consultation Services on Affective Needs of Gifted Children

 Room 206 -208

The Taoist Ching Chung Primary School (Shan King) to start the event with beautiful songs.

=The officiating guests with colourful ribbons in hands, drew down the flags of different divisions from the above, which symbolised that all our divisions will work together for the next decade.

Dr Choi Yuk-lin, JP, Under Secretary for Education, EDB attended today’s kick-off ceremony and delivered her opening remarks to congratulate the Academy on its 10th Anniversary.
The renowned Hong Kong cyclist Ms Wong Wan-yiu, Jamie, to share her road to success and encourage gifted students fighting against all odds and embracing challenges waiting for them to unleash their full potential. The attendees are touched and motivated by Jamie’s sharing.

The winners of the ‘HKAGE’s 10th Anniversary Logo’ Design Competition and the prize presenter took a group photo.

Happy Moments’ documented the happy memories of the student members and their parents while participating in the Academy activities.

‘Seminars’ with the theme of gifted education.

‘Chit-Chat with Professionals’, professional colleagues sharing their insights on gifted education.

’Think Like a Scientist’ games.
The public visited HKAGE’s exhibition.
Update Date:2023-07-10