Press Release

Biennial Parent Conference 2017 - Identifying and Nurturing the Gifted

(Hong Kong – 4 December 2017) The Biennial Parent Conference 2017 organised by The Hong Kong Academy for Gifted Education (HKAGE) concluded successfully on 2 December. The conference was well-received by parents of gifted students, educators and professionals engaged in gifted education. From the inspiring speeches, participants learnt more about the challenges facing gifted learners – on the one hand, the gifted possess admirable talent, but on the other hand, they have specific physical and affective characteristics. If parents and educators can spot their special needs and offer timely help, the gifted will be able to reach their full potential.

Professor Lam Shui Fong, Department of Psychology, The University of Hong Kong, gave a speech titled “Positive Psychology: Nurturing Gifted Children with Mindfulness” in the conference. Prof. Lam is an educational psychologist specialising in parenting, mindfulness and special education. As the recipient of numerous academic awards, her research interests center on parenting and parent education, positive psychology, achievement motivation, special education, teaching and learning strategies, and the improvement of educational psychology services. Prof Lam explained the characteristics of gifted children to the participants that these learners are both remarkably talented and vulnerable. The gifted may find it hard to fit into the environment. Although their path to adulthood is bumpy, mindfulness activities can help them regulate their emotions, lead a balanced life and bring out their best.

Dr Luk Sau Ha, Sarah, Registered Educational Psychologist, Professional Consultant, Department of Educational Psychology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, delivered an address “Understanding Twice Exceptional Gifted Children” in the conference. Dr Luk has over ten years' experience working with children and young people in secondary and special schools who have learning difficulties (including low learning motivation), social or emotional problems.  She said cases of twice-exceptional gifted students are rather complex as their talent may be clouded by their weaknesses. On the contrary, some kids are so talented that parents and teachers overlook their weaknesses. As a result, we may miss the best timing for cultivation, which may hinder their development. Dr Luk also shared with the attendees her valuable experience in counselling twice- exceptional gifted children and gave parents of the gifted some tips on facilitating the affective development of these kids.

Ms Yum Chun Wa, Ada, Registered Educational Psychologist, Caritas-Hong Kong Family Service, talked  about  “Understanding  Gifted  Children  with Low Motivation”.    Ms Yum has been providing assessment and psycho-educational intervention services to students with special educational needs (SENs), including specific learning difficulties (SpLD), attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (AD/HD), anxiety disorders and giftedness.    As a supporter of positive education, Ms Yum publishes on the topics of positive parenting, healthy emotions, executive functions and learning strategies.    She explained to the attendees the difficulties facing gifted children and their parents with real-life cases.        Ms Yum called on parents and the education industry to adjust their values and attitude and to listen attentively to children about what they truly need; only by doing so can we clear up the doubts these children have. The conference was wrapped up by a parent forum, in which three families shared their experience in nurturing gifted children with diverse talent.



1.    Professor Lam Shui Fong, Department of Psychology, The University of Hong Kong, gave a speech titled “Positive Psychology: Nurturing Gifted Children with Mindfulness” in the conference.

2.    Dr Luk Sau Ha, Sarah, Registered Educational Psychologist, Professional Consultant, Department of Educational Psychology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, delivered an address “Understanding Twice Exceptional Gifted Children” in the conference.

3.    Ms Yum Chun Wa, Ada, Registered Educational Psychologist, Caritas-Hong Kong Family Service, talked about “Understanding Gifted Children with Low Motivation”.

4.    On the one hand, the gifted possess admirable talent, but on the other hand they have specific physical and affective characteristics. If parents and educators can spot their special needs and offer timely help, the gifted will be able to reach their full potential.

Update Date:2023-07-27