Press Release

The 3rd HKAGE Student Biennial Conference – Utilise Your Giftedness for a Better Future

(Hong Kong – 14 November 2017) The 3rd Student Biennial Conference organised by The Hong Kong Academy for Gifted Education (HKAGE) was held successfully on 11 November. The Conference titled, “Utilise Your Giftedness for a Better Future”, attracted many local secondary students. In his opening speech, Professor Ng Tai Kai, Executive Director of the HKAGE, showed appreciation to the attendees and said, “All the shortlisted study projects are of high quality and cover numerous topics. The Student Conference provides an opportunity for its participants to share their reflections on social issues with peers through in-depth analysis and discussions.”

Mr Davy Feng, Ms Caroline Ling, Mr Brian Ma, and Ms Grace Park, SIGHT Scholars, Second Prize Winner of “Challenge Cup” National Competition - Hong Kong Regional Final, Hong Kong University Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition, delivered a keynote address “Ms Moringa, A dip into the waters of serendipity”, which mentioned their water purification project in Guizhou. Professor Ng hoped that student members would go beyond the academic and science domain and help those in need. By helping the vulnerable, they will learn how to run a sustainable social enterprise. He also encouraged the attendees to pursue their studies and contribute to society.

The Conference showcased 28 study projects covering the Mathematics and Sciences field and the Languages and Humanities field. Five outstanding projects had been selected and the students who led these projects were invited to share their study ideas, thoughts and achievements with their peers in the concurrent sessions. Two of the outstanding studies are summarised below:

Raise animal rights concerns – Fourteen-year-old Kwong Ching Lok, Audrey, already showed interest in animals when she was young. She has been participating in a dog volunteer programme since Form 1, in which Audrey takes care of retired working dogs, walks the dogs and trains them up at weekend. As time went on, Audrey developed a deep affection for animals. She even concerns about animal rights such as freedom of animals and an animal-friendly society. Audrey realises that Hong Kong is generally unfriendly to animals, so she hopes her project can raise concerns and proposes animal- friendly policies from the perspective of pets and their owners. In the project, Audrey urged the government to join hands with non-profit organisations in providing training for animals and pets, so they can behave appropriately in public places and fit into society.

Benefit patients with diabetes – Sixteen-year-old Natalie Cho would like to cater for the needs of patients with diabetes. “These patients have a tough life. Their wounds take a long time to heal, and they bear the risks of bacterial infection which may lead to amputation.” She hoped to invent an effective and economic wound dressing by the mixture of Western and Chinse medicine. With the help of a professor at Hong Kong Baptist University, Natalie got hold of six guinea pigs. According to the preliminary results, Natalie’s invention, a combination of herbs and alginate, works well on the wounds of diabetic rats. This new dressing performed very well as compared to the commercial alginate dressing. If this product can be optimised scientifically and pass stringent tests, it can be launched to the market and benefits patients with diabetes.

Apart from presentation, the shortlisted students showcased their study achievements in poster format. During the exhibition, the posters caught the eye of many attendees who also asked questions and shared their ideas with the students conducting the projects. Some of these students believed that peer interactions can facilitate intellectual exchange and stimulate creativity, which is helpful in inspiring them to further study the relevant topics in the future.

Appendix I

Key Facts about the 3rd HKAGE Student Biennial Conference

Phase I : Call for Study Projects

14 October 2016 (Fri) - 

15 December 2016 (Thur)

Application and submission of proposals through the HKAGE Online Application Platform
15 December 2016 (Thur)
Deadline for application and proposal submission
24 February 2017 (Fri)
Notification of acceptance of proposals with feedback from the Panel of Adjudicators
15 May 2017 (Mon)
Deadline for final paper submission
7 July 2017 (Fri)
Notification of the mode of presentation (oral presentation / poster presentation) at the Student Conference
3 August 2017 (Thur)
Deadline for poster presentation materials submission / oral presentation rehearsal
Phase II : Attending the Conference
8 September 2017 (Fri)
Online Application Platform opens for Conference registration
8 November 2017 (Wed)
Deadline for online application
11 November 2017 (Sat)
The 3rd HKAGE Student Biennial Conference

Rundown for the 2nd HKAGE Student Biennial Conference

13:30 –14:00Registration
14:00 –14:30Opening Ceremony
14:30 –15:30Keynote Address: Ms. Moringa, A dip into the waters of serendipity
Speaker: Mr Davy Feng, Ms Caroline Ling, Mr Brian Ma, and Ms Grace Park SIGHT Scholars

          Second Prize Winner of “Challenge Cup” National Competition - Hong Kong Regional Final, Hong Kong University Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition

Language: English

15:30 - 16:00Concurrent Session
Project Title
BiologyWound Dressing - Alginate and Herbs for Diabetic WoundCantonese
Integrated Humanities
16:00 - 17:30
Poster Exhibition

Professor Ng Tai Kai, Executive Director of the HKAGE, gave an opening speech at the 3rd HKAGE Student Biennial Conference.
Mr Davy Feng, Ms Caroline Ling, Mr Brian Ma, and Ms Grace Park, gave a keynote address titled “Ms. Moringa, A dip into the waters of serendipity”.
Fourteen-year-old Kwong Ching Lok, Audrey, spoke for local animals and strived for animal-friendly policies from the perspective of pets and their owners.
Sixteen-year-old Natalie Cho would like to address the needs of patients with diabetes. She hoped that her invention – wound dressing with alginate and herbs – could benefit these patients.
Students showcased their study achievements in the poster exhibition.
Students presented their projects in the concurrent session.

Update Date:2023-07-27