Nurturing the Potential of Gifted Students (Part 1): Academic Potential - Mathematics, Chinese, Science, High-level Intelligence | Understanding Giftedness | HKAGE
While gifted students possess unique talents, it is crucial for parents and teachers to provide attentive cultivation to unleash their full potential. By understanding and harnessing the specific qualities, abilities, and interests of these students, parents and teachers can effectively guide and inspire them. This article explores the diverse traits exhibited by gifted students in various areas and offers practical tips for nurturing their potential. These insights empower parents and teachers to tailor their approaches and foster the growth of gifted students.
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Further Reading: Non-Academic Focus: Visual and Performing Arts, Leadership Abilities, Physical Fitness
1) Gifted children with high levels of intellectual ability
- They learn more rapidly than their peers and may have high achievement in most, but not necessarily all subject areas
- Have a wide range of interests
- Have intellectual passions
- are inquisitive and curious
- are likely to ask a lot of questions, especially the “why” questions
- can be passionately interested in learning about something
- Have an awareness and understanding of their own thought processes — metacognition
- Use an extensive vocabulary
- Good at drawing inferences
- Enjoy problem-solving and hypothesising
- Capable of handling complex and abstract materials
- Creative in new ideas, seeing associations and pursuing innovations
- Have keen observations
- Have the ability to memorise a large amount of factual information
- Possess unique insights, do not easily conform to others' opinions, or follow conventions
- Have high self-expectations or strive for perfection
Tips for Parents/Teachers You may
Further Reading: Nurturing Gifted Students: How do Parents Get Along with Their Gifted Children?
Related information: Parent Education Programme/Workshop/Other Support
2) Gifted children who excel in a particular academic field and share many high intellectual traits
a) Gifted children in the mathematics domain:
- Interested in problem solving in mathematics and working with appropriately challenging problems
- Interested in mathematics related games, such as geometry or puzzles
- Enjoy logic problems that require deductive thinking skills
Tips for Parents/Teachers Encourage the children to
b) Gifted children in the language domain:
- Skilled in verbal communication, rich in vocabulary, and strong in expressive abilities
- Articulate confidently
- Use complex sentence structures
- Use language creatively
- Interested in the cultural elements of the language
Tips for Parents/Teachers Encourage the children to

c) Gifted children in the science domain:
- Ask “how” and “why” about things and phenomena around them
- Able to analyse and reason well
- Able to handle abstract concepts
- Enjoy challenging problems and have creative and investigative ideas
Tips for Parents/Teachers You may