Press Release

Empower Gifted Students: Unleash Leadership Potential with HKAGE

(Hong Kong – 8 January 2024) – The application for admission through the 2023/24 Principal’s Nomination of the Hong Kong Academy for Gifted Education (HKAGE/ the Academy) is now open until 31 January 2024.

Selecting Student Leaders through Principal’s Nomination 

The HKAGE admits gifted students of appropriate ages mainly through the School Nomination and Parent Nomination schemes. Applicants must successfully pass the Screening Programme before submitting their nomination profiles for further assessment. Starting from the 2022/23 school year, the Principal’s Nomination has been introduced to enhance the existing School Nomination specifically for students gifted in leadership.

Each secondary school can nominate one Form 2 to Form 4 student to the HKAGE. Nominated students are exempted from the Screening Programme, and their personal profiles can be submitted directly for assessment. In July 2023, nearly 120 gifted students with exceptional leadership potential became HKAGE student members through this channel and started the specially designed Leadership Training Programme. This programme offers comprehensive and systematic training to enhance students’ leadership skills, enabling them to apply their leadership talent in school or their communities. The ultimate goal is to unleash their potential to become future leaders contributing to society.

Cultivating Gifted Leaders through Systematic Training

The Leadership Training Programme incorporates three key elements, Leadership Knowledge, Value Education and Practical Skills. It encompasses five major areas: Critical Thinking, Problem-solving, Interpersonal Communication, Teamwork and Organisation Skills, as well as Citizenship Responsibility and Community Service. The programme consists of six core courses and a number of electives.

Students who meet specific requirements throughout the school year will receive gold, silver, and bronze awards as encouragement. Gifted students admitted through the Principal’s Nomination in July 2023 have been actively participating in various activities under the Leadership Training Programme, including the programme orientation, celebrity talks, leadership workshops, and the leadership training camp. Three gifted students engaged in the training would like to share their experiences.

Chloe TSE: Initiative Is Paramount for Leaders

Chloe, a Form 3 student at ELCHK Yuen Long Lutheran Secondary School, exhibits a diverse range of talents and interests. She has a keen interest in table tennis, swimming, and mathematics. Having earned a diploma in piano performance, Chloe has been invited to perform on the School Information Day and occasionally during lunchtime in the school communal space, delighting her peers with beautiful melodies. Despite her young age, Chloe has already taken on leadership roles in school. Serving as both Head Academic Prefect and Head Social Service Prefect, she provides valuable academic guidance to fellow students in need and leads the social service team in serving the elderly in the community.

To Chloe, the most impactful activity in the HKAGE's Leadership Training Programme was the leadership workshop, where she gained invaluable insights into the seven principles of effective leadership. Particularly, the time management matrix for prioritising tasks stood out to her. The workshop also provided Chloe with opportunities to connect with student leaders from other schools and learn how to apply leadership skills in real-life scenarios. “I find great fulfilment in being entrusted by others. Assuming a leading role has instilled a strong sense of responsibility within me, driving me to dedicate myself wholeheartedly to my role and perform tasks with my best effort. I believe that initiative is paramount for leaders," shared Chloe. Looking ahead, she aspires to combine her passion for scientific research with her leadership skills to lead a team in conducting groundbreaking research.

Gordon HUNG: Actions Empower Leadership

Gordon, a Form 5 student at Henrietta Secondary School, emerged as the champion in the "Culture Walk" competition organised by RTHK's Television Section in 2022. Currently serving as the chairperson of the school library and actively participating in activities organised by the school business society, Gordan aims to enhance his leadership skills through HKAGE’s Leadership Training Programme.

Among the various training activities during the recent months, the most memorable one for Gordon was the leadership training camp. “I met many brilliant elites in the camp, all gifted students with outstanding leadership performances. During the barbecue session, I observed some actively offering assistance to others, readily solving problems, and lending a helping hand. Meanwhile, others took joy in providing companionship and support. I realised that leaders come in various forms, akin to the stars, the moon, and the sun, each playing unique roles in their leadership journeys.

“The symbolism of stars surrounding the moon to accentuate its brilliance resonates with leaders who willingly share their wisdom and possess a strong sense of connection. The moon reflecting the sun's light mirrors leaders who quietly provide support and guidance without others noticing. The sun’s radiating light and warmth are like optimistic leaders who eagerly extend a helping hand to others.” Reflecting on these metaphors, Gordon identifies himself as a moon-type leader, akin to a cultivator who nurtures the growth of his team behind the scenes. “I hope to develop innovation and technology in the future and become a leader in this field."

Agnes LAI: High EQ is a Key Trait of Effective Leadership

Agnes, a Form 5 student at Methodist College, excels in various spheres. Her exceptional achievements include being selected as the Outstanding Student in the Kowloon Region in 2022 and winning the championship in the “Self-taught without Asking for Help” short film creation competition under the Jockey Club's "Flipped Learning" Pilot Project. Agnes assumed the role of a key opinion leader (KOL) and produced captivating short videos brimming with positive energy to inspire her audience. Earlier last year, Agnes was selected as one of the final five participants in the 9th Outstanding Student Leaders Selection. She is also very active in school, serving as a student reporter for the on-campus TV station and captain of the English Scrabble Team. Additionally, Agnes has held various leadership positions in school, including publicity officer of the Student Union, chairperson of the Home Economics Society, vice chairperson of the Student Union Election Committee, and prefect leader.

Agnes believes that an ideal leader should possess a high emotional intelligence quotient (EQ), embrace open-mindedness, and value the input of every individual. “The HKAGE's Leadership Training Programme has benefited me a lot. The speaker's insightful presentation on the seven habits of highly effective youth during a workshop impressed me deeply. It highlighted the importance of integration, synergy, and brainstorming in leadership. I aim to apply the knowledge I acquired from the programme and put it into practice. My aspiration is to develop in the medical field and become a leader in that domain.”


Application for admission through the 2023/24 Principal’s Nomination is now open until 31 January 2024. Interested secondary school principals are invited to pay close attention to the HKAGE website.

For details, please refer to:


Snapshots of the leadership training campSnapshots of the leadership training camp

Snapshots of the leadership training campThe HKAGE offers a systematic Leadership Training Programme to cultivate future leaders in Hong Kong who contribute to the needs of society

Snapshots of the leadership training campSnapshots of the leadership training camp

Snapshots of the leadership training campLeadership Workshop

Snapshots of the leadership training campCelebrity Talk

Snapshots of the leadership training campChloe TSE likes the feeling of being trusted as a leader, which encourages her to do things well from her heart.

Snapshots of the leadership training campChloe leads the school’s Social Service Team to serve the community.

Snapshots of the leadership training campGordon HUNG describes himself as a moon-styled leader and likes to be a cultivator who helps the team grow behind the scenes.

Snapshots of the leadership training campGordon (third from left) at a Junior Achievement (JA) Hong Kong activity. He hopes to become a leader in the field of innovation and technology in the future. 

Snapshots of the leadership training campAgnes LAI was selected as one of the final five in the 9th Outstanding Student Leaders Selection and became an outstanding student leader.

Snapshots of the leadership training campAgnes was awarded the 2022 Kowloon Region Outstanding Student.

Update Date:2024-05-22