Press Release

LegCo Panel on Education visits HKAGE for an overview of its Retrospect and Prospects

(Hong Kong – 26 June 2018) The Hong Kong Academy for Gifted Education (HKAGE) received a visit paid by the Legislative Council (LegCo) Panel on Education today. Members from our Board of Directors and senior management presented a briefing on our latest development and future goals.

In our 10th year of running, HKAGE’s representatives took this great opportunity to summarise our works and services over the past decade as well as introduce our upcoming plans to the LegCo Councillors. The guests also shared their views with our representatives on various issues, including the operation of HKAGE and its programmes and projects that facilitate gifted students to unleash their talents. Some of the guests were particularly interested in the educational needs of twice-exceptional students.

In receiving the LegCo Councillors, Professor Ng Tai Kai, Executive Director of HKAGE, briefed the guests on the uniqueness of HKAGE and pointed out that HKAGE endeavoured to provide enrichment programmes for gifted students who were not satisfied with regular school work. He said that these self- developed programmes and projects included academic programmes, international competitions, overseas exchange programmes and affective education programmes. Professor Ng told the Councillors that HKAGE attached great importance to affective education and hence programmes of this kind were compulsory for all primary student members with a view to facilitating their holistic development. The way forward of HKAGE was also shared during the visit.

LegCo Councillors who attended the visit included Dr Hon Chiang Lai Wan, JP; Hon Ip Kin Yuen; Dr Hon Elizabeth Quat, BBS, JP; Ir Dr Hon Lo Wai Kwok, SBS, MH, JP and Hon Shiu Ka Chun. The visit has enhanced the knowledge of HKAGE of the visiting Councillors, who showed great interest in alumni and students’ sharing on their unique learning experiences and how the HKAGE programmes had helped them to enhance their creativity and realise their potential.

LegCo Councillors Dr Hon Chiang Lai Wan, JP; Hon Ip Kin Yuen; Dr Hon Elizabeth Quat, BBS, JP; Ir Dr Hon Lo Wai Kwok, SBS, MH, JP and Hon Shiu Ka Chun visited HKAGE and posted with Prof. Ng Tai Kai, Executive Director of HKAGE (front row, fourth from the left), some members of the Board of Directors, the senior management team, and representatives of alumni and students.

Dr Hon Chiang Lai-wan, JP posted with alumni and student members of HKAGE.
Prof. Ng Tai Kai, Executive Director of HKAGE briefed visitors on the uniqueness of the Academy.
HKAGE student member Louis Kwok Long Fung shared his learning experiences.

Update Date:2023-07-10