Press Release

Positive Thinking Brings Success in Life

(Hong Kong – 14 July 2015) What leads us to success or failure in life? This is a hot topic in education psychology in recent years.

The Research Division of The Hong Kong Academy for Gifted Education (HKAGE) has recently conducted a survey among its student members to investigate their development in various areas. The questions for secondary student members involve: (i) life satisfaction (for example, whether they enjoy their current lives and are satisfied with their lives), (ii) their expectations towards HKAGE when they were being admitted (for example, whether they can further develop their interests in certain domains), and (iii) the actual benefits gained from the HKAGE (for example, whether they can learn new concepts related to certain specialised domains). 80 Secondary Three and Secondary Six students responded to the survey. Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) was adopted to analyse the relations among the above-mentioned three potential factors. Surprisingly, it was found that student members’ expectations (of the HKAGE) had a clear positive influence on the actual benefits they gained (from the HKAGE) and their life satisfaction. On the contrary, no significant impact from the actual benefits the student members gained (from the HKAGE) to their life satisfaction was found. It means the more positive their expectations of the HKAGE were, the more actual benefits they could gain (from the HKAGE) and the higher the life satisfaction was. The actual benefit is not the driving factor behind life satisfaction. The findings support the importance of a positive attitude in personal success and failure.

In addition, it was found that nearly 100 students had taken the 2014 HKDSE Examination from the survey responses. Similarly, the findings show that the group of student members who were more actively involved in the HKAGE’s programmes have achieved better results in the examination (based on the results in the four core subjects: Chinese Language, English Language, Mathematics, Liberal Studies). The HKAGE interviewed two student members.

One of them is Lai Hui Pong who has obtained excellent results in the HKDSE. He pointed out the importance of involvement in the programmes, “Yes the HKAGE has provided a valuable learning platform for us, but more important is students’ active involvement in learning.” Hui Ka Yee, another outstanding performer in the HKDSE, said, “By participating actively in the HKAGE’s programmes, I have enhanced my creative thinking and writing skills. I’ve also found my interests and understood myself more.”

In conclusion, we all face the same circumstances and challenges. A positive attitude and active involvement are the key factors that help us stand out from the crowd and achieve real success in life.

Update Date:2023-08-03