Press Release

7 HKAGE Student Members Achieve Top Scores in HKDSE Exam

(Hong Kong – 16 July 2014) The 2014 Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) Examination results have been released. Among the twelve high-flying students who got seven level 5** grades, seven are student members of the Hong Kong Academy for Gifted Education (HKAGE). They are:

    Chan Wing In Julie (Heep Yunn School);

    Hui Yin Fung (St. Paul’s Co-educational College);

    Ma Kwok Ming (Queen’s College);

    Mak Chi Cheong (King’s College);

    Tam Tsz Hang (St. Stephen’s College);

    Wong Hiu Ching (St. Paul’s Secondary School); and

    Yeung Chi Chung (Wa Ying College).

Three of the above mentioned student members, Chan Wing In Julie, Hui Yin Fung and Yeung Chi Cheong, are this year’s “super top-scorers” who grabbed “16 stars” in total with level 5** in Extended Mathematics as well.

Mak Chi Cheong, a student member of the HKAGE’s humanities domain, revealed that the outstanding result was a pleasant surprise to him. Among the courses he has taken at the HKAGE, the most impressive one to him was the Chinese Classical Literature Course taught by Dr. Ho from the Faculty of Arts at The University of Hong Kong. He said that Dr. Ho had turned a usually boring literature class into an intensely interesting and extraordinary experience with interactive and dynamic teaching methods. According to him, the Academy’s Gifted Angels – Service Learning Competition has also brought him substantial benefit. He added, “I designed a service project for this competition. That was an invaluable learning experience which enabled me to learn to develop a comprehensive plan and understand the importance of communication and collaboration.” He stressed that the HKAGE’s programmes had given him insight into the elements of success, making him realise that success depends on not only natural-born talent but also hard work, which is even more important.

Ma Kwok Ming, another top-scorer, belongs to the HKAGE’s science domain. He expressed gratitude to the Academy for having given him an opportunity to acquire diverse knowledge. He finds the courses offered by the HKAGE, which are very different from those generally provided by schools, very useful. For example, the HKAGE runs social science and psychology courses providing students with experience they can rarely gain at school and practical knowledge that they can apply in the society. Ma believed that grades do not mean everything in life. He encouraged all students not to be overwhelmed by success, nor to be discouraged by loss. He said that every student should pursue his or her own dream because everyone can shine and contribute to the society no matter what position he or she holds. Ma plans to study medicine, with a view to helping people in need and the disadvantaged.

Professor Ng Tai Kai, the Executive Director of the HKAGE, is delighted that the Academy’s programmes have broadened the horizons of gifted students and hopes that the HKAGE will help more student members to find their ideal learning paths. On behalf of the HKAGE, Professor Ng congratulates all student members who got excellent results in the HKDSE exam, and encourage those who are not so successful in the exam to persevere. He also wishes that all student members would make continuous progress in their future learning.

Update Date:2023-08-10